Friday, July 18, 2008

Is Your Home Business Legal?

If you are running a home business you know that there is so much more to being successful than simply hanging out a shingle advertising your availability. After all, you know that there are stringent rules and regulations with respect to the formation of a business and you do know that failure to follow these legal guidelines could result in problems of a variety of kinds, all of them costly.

Yet did you know that in spite of your best efforts to keep all your activities legal, you might still be breaking some laws? For example, while you know that you are required by law to observe important health and safety codes when opening your home beauty salon, did you know that you need to obtain specific licensure from the state and even county to do so?

Beauticians must be licensed so as to ensure that they are considered well qualified by the board that oversees this business, and it makes no difference if you work in a big salon or for yourself as part of your home business. Make sure you have the licenses you need and display them as directed. Another area that many home business owners neglect to peruse is the topic of insurance.

While you most likely carry some home owners insurance, do you also have insurance for your business? Do not think that your home owners policy will cover the fall of a customer who visits you as part of your doing business. As a matter of fact, many policies specifically exclude home businesses from their home owner coverage.

Thus, it is imperative that you not only read your policy and understand the limitations but that you also understand what kind of coverage you will need to protect yourself and your clients. Bonding is another tricky question that many home business owners may not know they need. If you are a notary public, for example, you will require bonding.

The same could be said for any other kind of business that carries the risk of making grievous errors which could result in extreme legal consequences. To protect your personal assets from being awarded to someone in the case of a lawsuit, it is wise to go ahead and be bonded to prevent any of your own money to become part of a potential judgment. A rarely considered question of legality crops up when it comes to signage for your home business.

If you live in a covenant controlled community, you will already be familiar with the fact that not everything is permitted. Yet the city and county also may have rules and regulations when it comes to the size, color and number of signs advertising your home business. Failure to comply with these rules will result in costly fines and a loss of your signs.

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